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  • Aashutosh Ingle

Red Rickshaw

In a city that shimmers and glitters with every breath it takes, amongst the swarms of millions and millions of smoke emitting beasts the thing that intrigued me was a rickshaw with his puller.

A man pulling a rickshaw

The simple Rickshaw with its basket carrying all the essential required to run it with ease essentially helping the puller to keep it in prime shape for it to carry the immense load day in and day out.

The Red Rickshaw is scrapped with its bright red paint peeling off showing the work and tear its been through showing all the reddish brown war wounds. Grease bleeding out of the chains that run the work mule being wiped by its owner with all the love and care he has.

That one drop of tear in his eye when he wipes the grease of his beloved bread provider as he feels the pain the machine goes through on a daily basis, is what intrigues me.

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